
1. What is the name of Comprehensive Integrated Scheme for persons whith disability which was launched by Himachal Pradesh Government in 2008-09?

(a) Sahyog

(b) Sahara

(c) Suraksha

(d) Smridhi

Answer: Sahyog





2. In which year was the Directorate of Medical Education, Training and Research established in Himachal Pradesh ?

(a) 1996

(b) 1998-99

(c) 2004-05

(d) 2006-07

Answer: 1996





3. To which country did David Haines who was recently beheaded by ISA belong?

(a) U.S.A.

(b) Britain

(c) Germany

(d) France

Answer: Britain





4. Who is Mark Tully?

(a) A Hollywood Actor

(b) A French Scientist

(c) A British Journalist and Writer

(d) A German Athlete

Answer: A British Journalist and Writer





5. Which leader of Scottish National Party is spearheading the deman for independence of Scotland?

(a) Ed Milland

(b) Nick Clegg

(c) Alex Salmond

(d) Alasdair Darling

Answer: Alex Salmond





6. Who is the author of Not Just an Accountant?

(a) Natwar Singh

(b) Daman Singh

(c) Vinod Rai

(d) Khushwant Singh

Answer: Vinod Rai





7. What does Montreal Protocol of 1987 deal with?

(a) Disarmament

(b) Environment

(c) Free Trade

(d) Fight against Terrorism

Answer: Environment





8. What is the name of the Institute whose 24 students were drowned in the Beas recently?

(a) Jyoti Institute

(b) Gyan Jyoti Institute

(c) Jyoti Gyan Institute

(d) Vigyan Jyoti Institute

Answer: Vigyan Jyoti Institute





9. On the bank of which river is Sohni-Mahiwal Point?

(a) Chenab

(b) Tawi

(c) Ravi

(d) Beas

Answer: Chenab





10. In which sector of Indo-Tibetan Border is Chumar?

(a) Northern Ladakh

(b) South-Eastern Ladakh

(c) Northern Arunachal Pradesh

(d) Kinnaur

Answer: South-Eastern Ladakh






11. How much journey is involved from Earth to Mars?

(a) 666 million kms

(b) 777 million kms

(c) 888 million kms

(d) 999 million kms

Answer: 666 million kms




12. Recently who spear-headed the debate on Political and Humanitarian situation in Kashmir in the British Parliament?

(a) David Ward

(b) Dave Cameron

(c) Ed Miliban

(d) Douglas Alexander

Answer: David Ward





13. With which of the following is Ustad Abdul Rashid Khan associated ?

(a) Sitar

(b) Qawwali

(c) Tabla

(d) Classical Vocal

Answer: Classical Vocal





14. To which country does Massimiliano Latorre accused of killing two Indian fisherman belong ?

(a) England

(b) Spain

(c) Italy

(d) Belgium

Answer: Italy





15. In which district of J&K is Sadhota Village which was recently buried under debris ?

(a) Kargil

(b) Udhampur

(c) Kathua

(d) Kishtwar

Answer: Udhampur





16. What does Volkar Report deal with ?

(a) Role of Natwar Singh and his son in oil in exchange for food grains in Iraq

(b) Role of A.  Raja in 2G Scam

(c) Role of Suresh Kalmadi in Commonwealth Games

(d) Karnataka Mining Scandal

Answer: Role of Natwar Singh and his son in oil in exchange for food grains in Iraq.





17. Who was the first woman to reach Everest Twice ?

(a) Fantong

(b) Santosh Yadav

(c) Hainelor

(d) Junco Tabai

Answer: Santosh Yadav





18. In which country Halima, a woman of Indian origin, became the speaker of Parliament ?

(a) Canada

(b) U.S.A.

(c) Maldives

(d) Singapore

Answer: Singapore





19. In which year did Arvind Kejriwal get the Magsaysay award ?

(a) 2004

(b) 2006

(c) 2009

(d) 2012

Answer: 2006





20. What is the venue of 6th meeting of Home Ministers of the SAARC Countries ?

(a) New Delhi

(b) Kathmandu

(c) Thimphu

(d) Male

Answer: Kathmandu





21. Which ancient work tries to impart instructions on different aspects of life through stories in which animals are the speakers ?

(a) Dashkumarcharita

(b) Kadambari

(c) Kathasaritsagra

(d) Panchatantra

Answer: Panchatantra





22. Which ancient school of philosphy tries to reduce all existence to two fundamental categories : Purusa and Prakriti ?

(a) Samkhya

(b) Nyaya

(c) Mimamsa

(d) Vaisheshika

Answer: Samkhya





23. Which of the following is a Vedanga ?

(a) Ayurveda

(b) Jyotisha

(c) Aranyaka

(d) Brahamanas

Answer: Jyotisha





24. Besides Nalanda, which was the other important university in Bihar during the ancient times ?

(a) Texila

(b) Vikramashila

(c) Vallaboha

(d) Nagarjun

Answer: Vikramashila 





25. Who among the following was a pupil of Ramanuja ?

(a) Rama Nanda

(b) Kabir

(c) Guru Nank

(d) Chaitanya

Answer: Rama Nanda 





26. Which of the following saints belongs to Bengal ?


(b) Chaitanya


(d) Jnaneshwara

Answer: Chaitanya






27. What is the subject-matter of Lilavati of Bhaskaracharya ?

(a) Mathematics

(b) Music

(c) Economics

(d) Politics

Answer: Mathematics





28. Who was the founder of Arya Samaj ?

(a) K.M. Munshi

(b) Swami Vivekananda

(c) Lala Lajpat Rai

(d) Swami Dayananda Saraswati

Answer: Swami Dayananda Saraswati





29. At which place in Uttarakhan is a mysterious lake called Rup Kund ?

(a) Chamoli

(b) Nainital

(c) Almora

(d) Pithoragarh

Answer: Chamoli





30. Who is the Chairperson of National Commision for Women ?

(a) Maneka Gandhi

(b) Lalitha Kumarmangalam

(c) Bimla Kashyap

(d) Hemanta Kheria

Answer: Lalitha Kumarmangalam





31. Who invented the Gravitation Law ?

(a) Einstein

(b) Dalton

(c) Faraday

(d) Newton

Answer: Newton



32. What does Audio meter measure ?

(a) Altitude

(b) Atmospheric pressure

(c) Movement of Heart

(d) Intensity of sound

Answer: Intensity of sound





33. Who invented telephone ?

(a) Samuel Morse

(b) Alexander Graham Bell

(c) Marconi

(d) Pascsal

Answer: Alexander Graham Bell





34. What are lines on a map, joining places with equal amount of pressure called ?

(a) Isobars

(b) Isohyet

(c) Isohel

(d) Isocheim

Answer: Isobars





35. Which of the following is not renewable source of energy ?

(a) Coal

(b) Wind

(c) Water

(d) Sun

Answer: Coal




36. Who is known as father of Genetics ?

(a) Rutherford

(b) Cushing Harvey

(c) William Harvey

(d) J.G.Mendel

Answer: J.G.Mendel





37. Which movement of Gandhiji gave the slogan of ‘Do or Die’ ?

(a) Civil Disobedience Movement

(b) Non-cooperation Movement

(c) Quit India Movement

(d) Champaran Movement

Answer: Quit India Movement





38. Who is the Editor of Bahishkrit Bharat ?

(a) Vinobha Bhave

(b) B.R. Ambedkar

(c) Dadabhai Naoroji

(d) Lord Curzon

Answer: B.R. Ambedkar 





39. Who founded the Kirti Kisan Party ?

(a) S.S. Mirajkar

(b) S.V. Ghate

(c) Sohan Singh Josh

(d) Narendra Dev

Answer: Sohan Singh Josh





40. When Did Gandhiji return to India from South Africa ?

(a) January 01, 1915

(b) January 09, 1915

(c) March 15, 1915

(d) April 10, 1915

Answer: January 09, 1915





41. On which day in 1931 were Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev executed ?

(a) March 23

(b) April 13

(c) May 10

(d) June 27

Answer: March 23





42. In which year did Muslim League pass the Pakistan Resolution ?

(a) 1932

(b) 1937

(c) 1940

(d) 1942

Answer: 1940





43. Consider the following statements :

(i) soul force is better than brute force

(ii) self-suffering is higher than violence

(iii) hatred must be replaced by love

Which of the above statements are true about Gandhiji ?

(a) (i) and (ii)

(b) (ii) and (iii)

(c) (i) and (iii)

(d) (i), (ii) and (iii)

Answer: (i), (ii) and (iii)






44. When Gandhiji was asked in 1921 whether he would like to make any change in the langauage of Hind Swaraj written in 1909 he said he would like to change one word ? what was this ?

(a) his criticism of doctors

(b) his criticism of lawyers

(c) his use of word prostitue for the British Parliament

(d) his views about machines

Answer: his use of word prostitue for the British Parliament





45. Which is the longest day in the northen hemisphere

(a) March 21

(b) September 23

(c) June 15

(d) June 21

Answer: June 21





46. Which of the following is true about lunar eclipse ?

(a) It occurs only on a new moon day

(b) It occurs only on  full moon day

(c) It occurs when moon comes between sun and earth

(d) It occurs when sun comes between earth and moon

Answer: It occurs only on full moon day




47. What does Richter Scale measure ?

(a) Humidity

(b) Cyclones

(c) Earthquakes

(d) Tides

Answer: Earthquakes




48. In which state is Chilika Lake ?

(a) Kerala

(b) Odisha

(c) Rajasthan

(d) J & K

Answer: Odisha





49. Among the following which tribal group is found in Manipur ?

(a) Mundas

(b) Gonds

(c) Tadas

(d) Angami

Answer: Angami





50. In which state of India is Pachmarhi ?

(a) Kerala

(b) Madhya Pradesh

(c) Haryana

(d) Bihar

Answer: Madhya Pradesh





51. Who led the 1857 war of independence in Gawalior ?

(a)  Nana Sahib

(b)  Rani Lakshmi Bai

(c) Tantya Tope

(d) Begum Hazrat Mahal

Answer: Tantya Tope




52. In which year did Gandhiji set up (All India) Harijan Sevak Sangh ?

(a) 1917

(b) 1922

(c)  1928

(d) 1932

Answer: 1932





53. When of the following reduced the age for entry into ICS from 21 to 19 years ?

(a)  Lord Ripon

(b) Lord Curzon

(c) Lord Lytton

(d) Lord Dufferin

Answer: Lord Lytton





54. When was the capital of India shifted from Calcutta to Delhi ?

(a)  1905

(b) 1909

(c)  1911

(d) 1916

Answer: 1911





55. Under which Act provision was made for the first time for the election of some non-official Members in the Central and Provincial Legislative Councils ?

(a) Indian Councils Act,  1861

(b)  Indian Councils Act,1892

(c)  Indian Councils Act, 1909

(d)  Government of India Act,1919

Answer: Indian Councils Act, 1892





56. What is the name of the Journal in which Balgangadhar Tilak wrote an article for which he was put on trial in 1908 ?

(a) Bharat Mata

(b)  Kesari

(c) Sandhya

(d)  Yugantar

Answer: Kesari





57. Which clite group of Muslims organised the Shimla Deputation to Lord Minto in October 1906 pleading for separate electorates ?

(a) Deoband group

(b) Bengal group

(c) Dacca group

(d)  Aligarh group

Answer: Aligarh group





58. At which session did the Congress Party for the first time demanded Swaraj Swashasan ?

(a) 1905

(b)  1906

(c)  1907

(d)  1909

Answer: 1906





59. In which conspiracy case was V.D. Savarkar deported in October 1910 ?

(a) Kanpur Conspiracy Case

(b) Kakori Conspiracy case

(c) Nasik Conspiracy Case

(d) Alipor Conspiracy Case

Answer: Nasik Conspiracy Case





60. What was the periodicity of publication of Gadar ?

(a) Daily

(b) Weekly

(c) Fortnightly

(d) Monthly

Answer: Weekly





61. When did Madan Mohan Malaviya leave the Swaraj Party ?

(a)  1922

(b)  1924

(c)  1925

(d)  1928

Answer: 1922





62. When was All India Workers and Peasants Party set up ?

(a)  1908

(b)  1919

(c)  1925

(d)  1928

Answer: 1928





63. Which state of India is situated on border of Afghanistan ?

(a) Punjab

(b) Rajasthan

(c) J & K

(d) Himachal Pradesh

Answer: J & K





64. Which state of India has the longest coastline ?

(a) Pashchim Banga

(b) Odisha

(c) Kerala

(d) Gujarat

Answer: Gujarat





65. What ils the approximatre number of big and small islands in Andaman and Nicobar group of Islands ?

(a) 22

(b) 122

(c)  222

(d)  322

Answer: 22





66. Which river’s source is Verinag ?

(a)  Jhelum

(b)  Ravi

(c)  Beas

(d)  Chenab

Answer: Jhelum





67. Which of the following cities is on the bank of Chambal river ?

(a)  Kota

(b)  Ujjain

(c)  Jabalpur

(d)  Surat

Answer: Kota





68. In which state is Kaziranga Tigar Reserve ?

(a)  Mizoram

(b)  Meghalaya

(c)  Arunachal Pradesh

(d)  Assam

Answer: Assam





69. By what name is shifting cultivation called in Kerala ?

(a) Jhum

(b)  Podu

(c) Ponam Krishi

(d)  Beera

Answer: Ponam Krishi




70. Where is the headquarters of Central Railway ?

(a) Jaipur

(b)  Bilaspur

(c)  Jabalpur

(d) Mumbai (V.T.)

Answer: Mumbai (V.T.)




71. What is the state tree of Karanataka ?

(a) Coconut

(b)  Sandal

(c) Palm

(d)  Sal

Answer: Sandal




72. What is the female literacy rate in India (2011 Census) ?

(a)  65.46 percent

(b) 71.06 percent

(c) 74.04 percent

(d)  82.14 percent

Answer: 65.46 percent





73. From where has the Constitution of India borrowed the idea of Concurrent List ?

(a)  Canada

(b) Australia

(c) Ireland

(d) France

Answer: Australia




74. What term is used for the Presidential power of substituting one from of punishment by another of a lighter form ?

(a) Pardon

(b) Reprieve

(c)  Respite

(d) Commutation

Answer: Commutation




75. Which Vice-President of India had the longest tenure ?

(a) V.V Giri

(b)  B.D. Jatti

(c) Dr.S. Radhakrishnan

(d) G.S. Pathak

Answer: Dr S. Radhakrishnan




76. Who was Deputy Prime Minister of India during 1989-91?

(a) Charan Singh

(b) Devi Lal

(c) L.K Advani

(d) Y.B Chavan

Answer: Devi lal




77. What is total number of members in the Public Accounts Committee in India?

(a) 15

(b) 22

(c) 25

(d) 30

Answer: 22




78. Where is the Seat of Chhattisgarh High Court?

(a) Raipur

(b) Bijapur

(c) Bilaspur

(d) Jashpur

Answer: Bilaspur





79. Which commission proposed that athe appointment of Governor of State should be done by a Committee consisting of the Prime Minister, Home Minister, Lok Sabha Speaker and the Chief Minister of the cocerned State?

(a) Sarkaria Commission

(b) Punchhi Commission

(c) Venkatachalia Commission

(d) National Judicial Commisison

Answer: Punchhi commission





80. What term is used for the estimate of advance payment to the Governmetn to carry on its work till the passing of the Apporpriation Bill?

(a) Vote on credit

(b) Finance Bill

(c) Vote on account

(d) Supplementary Budget

Answer: Vote on Account





81. Which of the following is included in the Tertiary sector of Indian Economy?

(a) Mining

(b) Manufacturing

(c) Construction

(d) Transport

Answer: Transport





82. What is the proposed growth target in Draft approach to the Twelfth Five Year Plan?

(a) 6 percent

(b) 8 percent

(c) 9 percent

(d) 10 percent

Answer: 9 percent





83. In which Five year Plan was the idea of Inclusive Development First emphasized?

(a) Ninth

(b) Tenth

(c) Eleventh

(d) Twelfth

Answer: Eleventh





84. What is minimum number of households having poorly build tenements with inadequate sanitary and drinking water facilities and unhygienic conditios to be termed as slums as per the new definition of 2011?

(a) Twenty

(b) Thirty

(c) Forth

(d) Fifty

Answer: Twenty





85. When was Mid-day Meal scheme lauched in India in primary schools?

(a) 1975

(b) 1995

(c) 2005

(d) 2007

Answer: 1995




86. When was the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Act passed in India?

(a) 1998

(b) 2001

(c) 2005

(d) 2007

Answer: 2005





87. Where is the headquarters of the Reserve Bank of India?

(a) New Delhi

(b) Bengaluru

(c) Nasik

(d) Mumbai

Answer: Mumbai





88. Which Private Sector Bank was set up in 1985?

(a) Kotak Mahindra

(b) AXIS Bank

(c) HDFC Bank

(d) ICICI Bank

Answer: Kotak Mahindra





89. In which year was Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana launched in India?

(a) 2002

(b) 2005

(c) 2007

(d) 2009

Answer: 2007





90. Who is the Chairman of Thirteen Finacne Commission?

(a) C. Rangarajan

(b) Raghu Ram

(c) Arjun Sengupta

(d) Vijay L. Kelkar

Answer: Vijay L. Kelkar





91. Which pass joins Kinnaur to Garhwal?

(a) Duggi Jot

(b) Kamilaga

(c) Mulari Jot

(d) Dulchi

Answer: Kamilaga





92. Between which two mountain ranges is Danwin valley of Bilaspur District of HP?

(a) Tieum and Srium

(b) Dhar Naina Devi and Dhar Kot

(c) Dhar Bachhretu

(d) Dhar Bahadurpur and Dhar Bandla.

Answer: Dhar Bahadurpur and Dhar Bandla





93. Who was ally of Shambar in his war with the Aryan King, Divodas?

(a) Verchi

(b) Sudasa

(c) Arjun

(d) Pradyumana

Answer: Verchi





94. Which community has been mentioned by Justice Tek Chand for its high sense of service, dignity and duty?

(a) Ghirath

(b) Sood/Sud

(c) Gaddies

(d) Tarkhans

Answer: Sood/Sud





95. Which figure is found on the coins of Kunindas?

(a) Saraswati with Veena

(b) Visnu with lotus

(c) Shiva with trident

(d) Indra with thunderbolt

Answer: Shiva with trident





96. Which tribe is living along Chandra-Bhaga in Lahaul-Spiti District of Himachal Pradesh?

(a) Swangla

(b) Gaddi

(c) Kunnu Khampa

(d) Neondi Khampa

Answer: Swangla





97. Who found a state in the upper Ravi Valley with Brahmaputra as its capital around the middle of sixth century AD?

(a) Ram Gupta

(b) Kumar Gupta

(c) Kunala

(d) Dmaru Varman.

Answer: Dmaru Varman





98. Which of the following hill states was not founded by Rajpur adventures from the plains?

(a) Rampur Bushahar

(b) Mandi

(c) Bilaspur (Kehloor)

(d) Sirmaur

Answer: Rampur Bushahar





99. Which scion of Dhameri-Nurpur was sent by Jahangir to capture Nagarkot fort who joined hill chiefs plundered the imperial territory and later on fled to Mau Fort?

(a) Jhet Pal

(b) Pahari Mal.

(c) Bhakhat mal

(d) Suraj Mal

Answer: Suraj Mal





100. Who led the campaign againswt the Gurkhas in Chopal, Jubbal and Rawingarh areas?

(a) David Ochterlony

(b) James Baillie Fraser

(c) Martindell

(d) Gillespie.

Answer: James Baillie Fraser





100. Who led the campaign againswt the Gurkhas in Chopal, Jubbal and Rawingarh areas?

(a) David Ochterlony

(b) James Baillie Fraser

(c) Martindell

(d) Gillespie.

Answer: James Baillie Fraser





101. Which raja of Kangra organized all the hill chiefs between Jammu and Kangra in 1588-89 against Akbar?

(a) Bidhi Chand

(b) Trilok Chand

(c) Jai Chand

(d) Bhim Chand

Answer: Bidhi Chand





102. Which ruler of Kutlehr expelled the Sikhs from fort of Kotwalbah during the first Sikh war?

(a) Ram Pal

(b) Rajendra Pal

(c) Brij Mohan Pal

(d) Narain Pal

Answer: Narain Pal





103. What is Dhattu?

(a) a vegetarian dish in lower Himachal.

(b) a form of folk dance in upper Himachal

(c) a musical instrument.

(d) a headwear of women in rural areas.

Answer: a headwear of women in rural areas.





104. Who divided the dialects spoken in Bilaspur into six categories?

(a) G.A. Grierson

(b) T. Graham Bailey.

(c) Govind Chatak

(d) Hardev Bahri

Answer: T. Graham Bailey.





105. When was Chief Commissioner replaced by Lieutenant Governor in Himachal Pradesh?

(a) November, 1951

(b) March, 1952

(c) October, 1952

(d) December, 1952

Answer: March, 1952





106. Who was the first and the only Chairman of HP Territorial Council?

(a) Thakur Karam Singh

(b) Dr. YS Parmar

(c) Thakur Ram lal

(d) Pandit Gauri Prasad.

Answer: Thakur Karam Singh





107. How long does the Shivratri Fair at Mandi (in HP) last?

(a) One day

(b) Three day

(c) Seven days

(d) Ten days.

Answer: Seven days





108. What is the name of the Gaddan with whom Raja Sansar Chand of Kangra fell in love?

(a) Murklu

(b) Dwarku

(c) Suharu

(d) Nokhu

Answer: Nokhu





109. What raja of Guler was a great parton of art, particulary painting?

(a) Goverhan Chand

(b) Ram Chand

(c) Rup Chand

(d) Karan Chand.

Answer: Goverhan Chand





110. Who built the Lakshmi Narain temple in Chamba town/

(a) Sahil Varman

(b) Bhuri Singh

(c) Meru Varman

(d) Mushan Varman

Answer: Sahil Varman





111. What is the new name of the first Mughal Garden laid out by Babur in India which he had named as Aaram Bagh?

(a) Mughal Bagh

(b) Babur Bagh

(c) Ram Bagh

(d) Delhi Bagh

Answer: Ram Bagh





112. Which Committee has recommended a single Act for all Central Universities in India?

(a) A. N. Pathan Committee

(b) Yashpal Committee

(c) Aurn Grover Committee

(d) Ved Parkash Committee

Answer: A. N. Pathan Committee





113. Where is Rong-Tong hydel project of 2 MW capacity?

(a) Kinnaur

(b) Kullu

(c) Lahaul-Spiti

(d) Chamba.

Answer: Lahaul-Spiti





114. Which organization is opposing the order of the Himachal Pradesh High Court of banning animal sacrifice at religious places?

(a) Kinnaur Temple Committee

(b) Chamba Mandir Sangh

(c) Mahasu Kardar Sangh

(d) Kullu Devi-Devata Kardar Sangh

Answer: Kullu Devi-Devata Kardar Sangh





115. Where is horse breeding farm in Himachal Pradesh?

(a) Lari in Lahaul-Spiti

(b) Nether in Kullu District

(c) Jeori in Shimla District

(d) Dagshai in Solan District.

Answer: Lari in Lahaul-Spiti





116. At which place in Himachal has the Government of India sanctioned a handloom cluster for which first installment has already been realised?

(a) Janjehli

(b) Tissa

(c) Jawali

(d) Ghumarwin.

Answer: Ghumarwin





117. Which is the nodal agency for the execution of Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for small and medium towns in Himachal Pradesh?

(a) HP, PWD

(b) HP, IPH Department

(c) Municipal and Small Town Committees


Answer: HIMUDA





118. At present how many Panchayat Samities are there in Himachal Pradesh?

(a) 55

(b) 66

(c) 77

(d) 88

Answer: 77





119. In Himachal Pradesh where is Disaster Recovery Centre for monitoring and control of unmanned 33 KV above power sub-stations?

(a) Sundernagar

(b) Paonta Sahib

(c) Gagret

(d) Theog.

Answer: Paonta Sahib





120. Which country is assisting in Swan river Watershed Management Project Una?

(a) Canada

(b) Germany

(c) Japan

(d) France.

Answer: Japan
