Sex Ratio at Birth in Himachal Pradesh: Current Scenario and Challenges
Why in News?
As per recent data released by Department of Health and Family Welfare, in 2024 Himachal Pradesh recorded the greatest sex ratio at birth (SRB) in the previous 30 years of 964. Until now, the state’s highest SRB since 1993 was 949 in 2021. The average national SRB is 934 according to Health Management Information System (HMIS) Report 2021-2022.
District-wise Data and Past Trend
According to the data, the state’s SRB dropped to 856 in 2001, the lowest it had ever been. With a few exceptions like little declines in 2019 and 2022, the SRB has steadily improved since 2015.
Figure1: Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) in HP in past five years.
Although maximum districts in the state have seen improvements in SRB, Una district has the lowest sex ratio in the state. It has dropped to 918 in 2024 from 934 in 2023. A notable decline has also been observed in Sirmaur, which went from 1,006 in 2023 to 939 last year. District wise data of SRB of year 2024 is as given in following table.
Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) vs Child Sex Ratio (CSR)
Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) is defined as the number of female births per 1000 male births. According to latest data SRB is 934 in India and 964 in Himachal Pradesh.
Child Sex Ratio (CSR) is defined as the number of females per 1,000 males in the age group of 0-6 years. According to National Family Health Survey-5 (2019-2021) it is 1,020 in India and 882 in Himachal Pradesh.
Possible Reasons for low SRB in Una (918) and Sirmaur (939)
o Border Districts: Una and Sirmaur shares borders with Punjab and Haryana, which has one of the lowest sex ratios in India.
o Lack of ultrasound facilities in hilly districts: This can be one of the reason Kinnaur (1,156) and Lahaul & Spiti (1,000) has exceptionally high SRB.
o Migration and demographic factors: Families with traditional mindsets migrate from neighbouring states, bring their gender biases.
o Social Stigma and Dowry system: This is more prevalent in plains than in tribal areas where dowry system is almost absent.
o Weak implementation of PCPNDT Act: Limited monitoring and enforcement allow such practices to perish.
Program and policies for welfare of Children Central Schemes
1. Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS)
The Umbrella ICDS is a centrally sponsored scheme implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. Major schemes under ICDS are-
• Anganwari Service Scheme- It is dedicated program for early childhood care. Beneficiaries are children of 0-6 age group and pregnant women.
• Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana- It provides cash incentive amounting to Rs.5,000/- in three instalments directly to the Bank/Post Office Account of pregnant women and lactating mothers.
• National Creche Scheme- It provides day care facilities to children of age group of 6 months to 6 years of working women.
• POSHAN Abhiyan- It targets to reduce the level of stunting, under-nutrition, anaemia and low birth weight babies by reducing mal-nutrition/undernutrition, anemia among young children as also, focus on adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers.
2. National Health Mission (NHM)
The main programmatic components include health system strengthening in rural and urban areas for – Reproductive-Maternal- Neonatal-Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A), and Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases.
3. Mission VATSALYA- It is an umbrella scheme for child protection services in India.
4. Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015- Mandates establishment of ‘Juvenile Justice Board’ (JJB) which is responsible for conducting inquiry in child crime cases.
5. National Commission for Protection of Child Rights- Established by Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005.
6. Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012- This act was enacted to protect the children from offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography.
Schemes of Himachal Pradesh Government
1. Beti Hai Anmol Yojana- Provides financial assistance to girls from Below Poverty Line (BPL) families. Only upto two girls in a family can benefit from this scheme.
2. Mukhayamantri Sukh Aashray Scheme- Provides educational expenses and monthly pocket money to “Children of the State”(destitute children).
3. Mukhayamantri Kanyadan Yojana- Provides financial assistance to girls from BPL families and who are destitute.
4. Female Child Birth Gift Scheme- Under this scheme Himachal Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (HPBOCWWB) offers an amount of 51,000 rupees for each of two daughters to registered beneficiaries.
However, despite government efforts and legal measures, sex-selective practices persist due to societal preference for male children. To achieve a balanced sex ratio, strict enforcement of laws, increased awareness, and gender-sensitive policies are essential. A shift in societal mindset towards valuing daughters equally is crucial for long-term change.
» Prelims: Current events of national importance- social development: demographics
» Mains: GS1-Unit II- Sub Unit 3- Human Aspects: Characteristics of population (HP)
GS2- UnitII- Sub Unit 3- Program and policies for welfare of Children in HP
HPAS Mains Examination Previous Year Questions (PYQs)
1. Examine various reasons for declining child sex ratio in India. (GS1,2018,8Marks)
2. What do you know about ‘Beti Hai Anmol’ Scheme of Himachal Pradesh government? (GS2,2023,4Marks)
3. Describe the various efforts which have been made for the welfare of children in India (GS2, 2024,8Marks)