

The JKPSC Combined Competitive Exam is a prestigious examination in Jammu and Kashmir conducted by Jammu and Kashmir Public service commission for recruiting candidates to following posts: Junior Scale of J&K Administrative Service, J&K Police (Gazetted) Service, and J&K Accounts (Gazetted) Service. It assesses candidates’ knowledge, aptitude, and skills for effective governance and public service.


In such a competitive environment, aspirants require personalized guidance and mentorship. Chandigarh is a preferred destination for JKPSC-KAS coaching and Nimbus Academy is the best coaching institute for JKPSC-KAS in Chandigarh.


Why to Choose Nimbus Academy for JKPSC-KAS Coaching in Chandigarh?


Nimbus Academy offers best coaching for JKPSC-KAS in Chandigarh with personalized guidance , up to the mark study material, dedicated test series, expert faculty, and , Classroom and online options available for comprehensive learning. interview guidance by ex-IAS and KAS officers. High selection rates are proof of quality teaching and support. Trust Nimbus Academy for the best JKPSC-KAS coaching in Chandigarh to achieve your dream of becoming a KAS Officer.


Scheme of Selection/Examination:

The Scheme of Selection/Examination shall comprise the following successive stages:-

  1. Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination (Objective Type) for the selection of candidates for Main Examination;
  2. Combined Competitive (Main) Examination (Written and Interview) for selection of candidates for Personality test/interview;
  3. Personality Test (Interview).


Conditions of Eligibility

The conditions of eligibility and age limit subject to the fulfilment of the following parameters:-

  1. Must be a domicile of UT of J&K; and
  2. Must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in any subject from a recognized University in India or from a Foreign University declared by Government in consultation with the Commission to be equivalent to a degree of a recognized University.
  3. Students pursuing bachelor’s degree can apply for prelims but have to fulfil the following condition;
Before applying for the Main Examination, candidates must prove they appeared in the required bachelors degree examination and had qualified the exam. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.


Age Limit

The requirement of age for the candidates is given below:

S No.CategoryAge limit
1.Open merit35
2.Reserved &In Service37
3.Physically challenged38


Provided that In-service candidate who has completed two years’ service  in substantive capacity, to be certified by the Head of Department shall alone be eligible to claim the benefit of upper age limit.

Scheme of Prelims Examination

Sr.No.Subject No. of Questions Marks for each question Total Marks
1.      Paper I – General Studies 1002200
2.      Paper II – CSAT (Civil services aptitude test)1002200


NOTE 1: Paper-II of Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination will be a qualifying paper with minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%.

NOTE 2: The questions will be of multiple choice, objective type.

NOTE 3: It is mandatory for the candidate to appear in both the Papers of Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination for the purpose of evaluation. Therefore, a candidate will be disqualified in case he/she does not appear in both the papers of Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination

NOTE 4 : There will be negative marking for incorrect answers (For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one third (0.33) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty)


Preliminary Examination Trends Analysis (2018-2023)

Subjects (General Studies-I)No. of Questions
Ancient Indian History6736
Medieval Indian History10446
Modern Indian History6597
Indian Polity19171111
World Geography1613911
Indian Geography64710
Environment and Ecology87174
Indian Economy10171716
Science and Technology1617127
Jammu & Kashmir Special25
Current Affairs39917


Subjects (General Studies-II) (CSAT)No. of Questions
Interpersonal Skills including Communication Skills15
Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability32282840
Decision Making and Problem Solving21
General Mental Ability75518
Basic Numeracy (Numbers and their Relations, Orders of Magnitude, etc. — Class X level), Data Interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. — Class X level)75518

*In 2018, the total number of questions asked in General Studies Paper II (CSAT) was 80. From 2021 onwards, the total number of questions increased to 100.

*CSAT is qualifying in nature candidate has to secure 33% or 67 marks only.



JKPSC Mains Exam Pattern

PaperSubjectTotal Marks
Qualifying PaperEnglish300
Paper – IEssay250
Paper – IIGeneral Studies-I (Geography and history of the World & Society, Indian Heritage & Culture)250
Paper – IIIGeneral Studies-II (Constitution, Polity, Social Justice & International relations), Governance)250
Paper – IVGeneral Studies-III (Technology, Bio-diversity, Economic Dev., Environment, Security & Disaster Management )250
Paper – VGeneral Studies-IV (Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude)250
Paper – VIOptional (Paper – I)250
Paper – VIIOptional (Paper – II)250
Interview / Personality Test 250

