
IAS Full Form & What is the Full Form of IAS?

The IAS full form is the Indian Administrative Service. It is a dream of many aspirants to become an Indian Administrative Service officer. IAS officers play a very significant role in society. The job of an IAS officer is prestigious. Examination conducted by the UPSC, and 10+ lakh students fill out the form annually. As we mentioned above, IAS’s full form is the Indian Administrative Service. Now, we will discuss the work of an IAS officer, IAS ranks and hierarchythe IAS promotion chart, and the best institute for UPSC or IAS coaching.

Roles and responsibilities of IAS officers

Indian Administrative Service Officer Duties Policy Implementation: IAS officers play a very significant role in the implementation of government policy at both the center and state levels. IAS offices work very closely with various departments to ensure policy is working effectively and efficiently.
District Administration: IAS officers can also serve as district collectors or district magistrates. He oversees the district administration and helps in the implementation of government policies.
Crisis Management: An IAS officer plays a very important role during the crisis, implementing strategies to handle the crisis.

  1. Policy Implementation
  2. Administrative Functions
  3. Advisory Role
  4. Public Welfare
  5. Revenue Collection
  6. Crisis Management

Salary of IAS officer

During the training of an officer at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA). The Stipend  ₹55,000 to ₹60,000 per month.

After completing training, the officer gets 56,000 in basic pay and also gets allowances like DA 42% of Basic Pay, HRA 8%–24% of Basic Pay, and Travel Allowance.

Nimbus IAS Academy is the best UPSC coaching institute in Chandigarh and always tries to provide you with the best study material for the faculty. Our institute has the best previous results in Chandigarh. You can also take demo classes. Feel free to ask anything about the coaching and the UPSC.

Official website of UPSC: https://upsc.gov.in/

IAS Promotion Chart

Years of ServiceDesignationGrade PayLevel
0–4 YearsSDM/SDOJunior ScaleLevel 10
5–8 YearsDeputy Secretary/CDOSenior Time ScaleLevel 11
9–12 YearsADM/Joint SecretaryJunior Administrative GradeLevel 12
13–16 YearsDM/CollectorSelection GradeLevel 13
17–20 YearsDivisional CommissionerSuper Time ScaleLevel 14
21–30 YearsPrincipal Secretary/ACSAbove Super Time ScaleLevel 15
30+ YearsChief Secretary/Cabinet SecretaryApex Scale/Cabinet ScaleLevel 16/17

IAS Full Form in Hindi

आईएएस का पूर्ण रूप भारतीय प्रशासनिक सेवा है। भारतीय प्रशासनिक सेवा कार्यालय बनना कई उम्मीदवारों का सपना होता है। आईएएस अधिकारी समाज में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं; आईएएस अधिकारी की नौकरी प्रतिष्ठित होती है। यूपीएससी द्वारा आयोजित परीक्षा, और सालाना 10 से अधिक लाख छात्र फॉर्म भरते हैं।
