Himachal Current Affairs “06-05-2020”

Himachal Current Affairs “06-05-2020”

State Government to launch new programme ‘Nigah’ to sensitize people The State Government would launch new programme ‘Nigah’ to properly sensitize and educate the family members of the people of the State coming from other States of the...
Himachal Current Affairs “06-05-2020”

Himachal Current Affairs “04-05-2020”

Register on portal for interstate to and fro movement for H.P.  Spokesperson of the State Government said here today that the persons who desire to come to Himachal Pradesh or go out of Himachal Pradesh and do not have vehicle should register themselves...
Himachal Current Affairs “06-05-2020”

Himachal Current Affairs “02-05-2020”

Special campaign to be launched to medically examine people entering Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said that a special campaign would be launched on the analogy of Active Case Finding Campaign to medically examine the people entering to Himachal...
Important News to be read from “The Hindu 01-05-2020”

Important News to be read from “The Hindu 01-05-2020”

March core sector output slumps 6.5% Output at India’s core sector contracted by 6.5% in March, Commerce Ministry data show, reflecting the early impact of the COVID­-19 pandemic and the subsequent nationwide lockdown. Leading the contraction at the core industries...
Himachal Current Affairs “06-05-2020”

Himachal Current Affairs “30-04-2020”

Central Government provides Rs. 1899 crore as central taxes share to HP Central Government has provided Rs. 1899 crore to the State government in April 2020, including revenue deficit grant , GST deficit compensation, Himachal’s share in central taxes, MGNREGA...