
Solved Paper HP Allied services Exam 2015

  1. Which river divides Sirmaur District of H.P. into almost equal parts? (A) Bata (B) Andhra (C) Giri (D) Yamuna Answer: Giri         2. Which region of H.P. gets minimum rain annually? (A) Spiti (B) Pangi (C) Seraj (D) Dodra Kawar Answer:...

Solved paper HPAS Prelims 2010

(1) Carbon dioxide absorbs strongly in in infrared region and its presence in       atmosphere decreases the loss of heat from earth by radiations. This is called: (a) Carbon dioxide burning (b) Carbon dioxide recycling (c) Carbon recycling (d) Greenhouse effect...

Solved Paper of HPAS Prelims 2014

    1) Name the site where Harappan ploughed eld has been found:  (a) Harappa (b) Banawali (c) Rakhigarhi (d) Kalibanga Answer: Kalibanga       2) Who among the following is the author of Milind Panho? (a) Nagasen (b) Ashwaghosh (c) Dharmpal...

Solved Paper HPAS Prelims 2013

1. On the bank of which river is Nadaun town of Hamirpur district? (a) Satluj (b) Ravi (c) Beas (d) Uhal Answer: Beas 2. Which mountain pass connects spiti to ladakh? (a) Kangla (b) Shipki (c) Rohtang (d) Manirang Answer: Kangla 3. Which of the following is not in the...

Solved Paper HPAS Prelims 2016

1. Which Raja of Chamba transferred the capital of his state from Bharmaur to Chamba? (a) Meru Varman (b) Aditya Varman (c) Sahila Varman (d) Soma Varman Answer: Sahila Varman 2. During the reign of which raja of Nurpur princely sate the forts of Maukot, Nurpur and...