
ASER Full Form

ASER Full Form is  the Annual Status of Education Report

Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2024 released by NGO Pratham Foundation. This report is people-based survey in India. It provides reliable data on children’s schooling and learning levels in rural India.

·        The ‘basic’ ASER survey tracks enrolment for children aged 3-16 and assesses basic reading and arithmetic of children aged 5-16. It was conducted every year from 2005 to 2014 in almost all rural districts of India.

·        Beginning in 2016, an alternate-year model was introduced, where the ‘basic’ ASER survey is conducted in alternate years and in the gap years, a different lens is employed to examine different age groups and/or new aspects of children’s learning.

Findings of the report 2024  :

·        Over 82.2 % teens (i.e. 14-16 age ) know how to use smartphone, only 57% engage for educational purpose.Among the smartrphone user 85.5% of boys and 79.4 % of girls is seen.

·        States like MP, Bihar and Jharkhand are lagging behind national average in both smartphone ownership and using capabilities.

·        Only 23% of class 3 govt school students in Karnataka can do subtraction:

·        In Haryana, government school student’s learning gains higher than those in private schools in 2 years.

·        Math skill improve across states: Reading ability, maths in govt school student (classes 1-8) better than pre-pandemic.

·        Survey covers 6,49,492 children in 17,997 villages across 605 rural districts in India.

·        Significant improvement in digital literacy and smartphone usage among adolescents aged 14-16 post-covid was seen.

·        75% of children were able to tasks using smartphone. However, gender gap is still alarming in digital space 81.5 % of boys compared to 72.4 % of girls were able to complete these tasks.

·        Interestingly, among the southern states in Karnataka, Andhra and Kerala girls either performed equal to boys or outperformed them.

·        Among the children of the age group (14-16), 36.2 per cent of boys owning a smartphone compared to 26.9 per cent of girls.

·        In Kerala about 80% of the children are using smartphone for educational purpose and more then 90% are using it for social media engagement.

Hope that you understand the full form of ASER and the report. Nimbus IAS Academy Write a blog related to the IAS and UPSC. You can also read about the IPS full form and the Top IAS Coaching in Chandigarh.
